Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sleep Apnea - the Other Silent Killer

Most of us with the idea that high blood pressure is a silent killer known, but rarely hear the argument that sleep disturbances also deadly. Indeed, obstructive sleep apnea diagnosed at least one of the causes of stroke and heart attack.

"Apnea" refers to the absence of respiration. As a sleep disorder, he refers to periods in which a person stops breathing during sleep. One reason for obstructive sleep apnea is extraTissue in the back of the throat. This could be something like almonds, that are unusually large. It can also be caused by a decrease in the overall tone of the muscles that keep the airway open. Another common cause of sleep apnea is the tongue dropped to the back of the neck and occluding (for) the respiratory tract. In adults, sleep apnea can also be attributed obesity. This is due to the presence of excess tissue, the respiratory tract in some sleep-block canPositions.

Sleep disturbances are generally observed by others, not those who suffer from the disorder. A common characteristic of sleep apnea is an abnormal sleep patterns, showing where the sleeper loud snoring may be replaced by silence, followed when breathing stops. The silence is then swallowed with a loud or gasp as the sleeper awakens briefly and partially broken, clears the air, and begins to breathe. This pattern continued throughout the night.

The person who suffers from sleep apnea may awaken with a headache almost every morning. Other symptoms that are of the person with sleep apnea experienced include dizziness and fatigue during the day, irritability due to lack of sleep and a decrease in memory and attention span.

If you suspect that you or a loved one suffers from sleep apnea, it is important to visit your doctor. Your doctor may you to a> Sleep laboratory, where the diagnosis can be made by qualified medical personnel. If you are with obstructive sleep apnea is diagnosed, it is possible that you are prescribed a CPAP device - a device called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. With CPAP, you will receive a mask over his mouth and nose. The air is forced through the mask to open your airway during sleep. Other treatments of sleep apnea are surgical procedures or medication, depending on the causeand the severity of sleep disturbances.

Unfortunately, many cases of obstructive sleep apnea are untreated because of lack of awareness. Spouses could joke about the other horrible snoring, but snoring can, in fact, a serious illness. If you suspect that you or a loved one, sleep apnea, you should check to straight away. The care of the problem now could very well save a life.

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